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2023-12-01 20:06:33 来源:财讯网


On November 14, Limai welcomed the first semester of this academic year's World University Campus Exhibition. Admission officers from 9 prestigious overseas universities in the United States, Canada, and New Zealand were invited to Limai. They brought an informative lecture filled with valuable content for students in grades 9-12.

Limai World University Fair

Limai World University Fair

Marquette University 马凯特大学 Michigan State University 密歇根州立大学 Trinity Western University 西三一大学

Limai World University Fair

Limai World University Fair

Limai World University Fair

Limai World University Fair

Limai World University Fair

Limai World University Fair

招生官演讲结束后,E10班吴大海(Eric)和金玖恒(Henry)两位同学采访了犹他大学全球董事总经理Everton Araujo。吴大海请Araujo先生分享了他在高中阶段为大学申请所做的准备,以及作为招生官,他会被申请者的哪些特质所吸引。Araujo先生还给吴大海同学介绍了犹他大学每年招收中国学生数量,以及学校为学生提供的就业方面的指导与支持。金玖恒同学则就家长和同学们都很关系的“强势专业”以及“校园安全保障措施”等问题提出问题。Araujo先生一一做出了详细的解答。

Two students from E10, Wu Dahai (Eric) and Jin Jiuheng (Henry), interviewed Everton Araujo, the Global Director for the University of Utah. Wu Dahai asked Mr. Araujo to share his preparation for college applications during high school, as well as what qualities of applicants will leave a good impression on him. Mr. Araujo also introduced the number of Chinese students that the University of Utah admits each year, as well as the guidance and support the school provides in terms of employment for students. Jin Jiuheng, on the other hand, raised questions regarding the "dominant majors" and "campus security measures," which are of great concern to both parents and students. Mr. Araujo provided detailed answers to each question.

9日,美国马凯特大学校长John Baworowsky来访力迈,并与校长就中西教育教学理念进行交流,Principal John旁听了力迈特色传统书法课程。

John Baworowsky, the Vice Chancellor of Marquette University in the United States, was a guest at Limai on the 9th. Educational philosophies were exchanged between the two schools. Principal John attended Limai's traditional calligraphy course.

Limai World University Fair

<img _src="http://www.lmzmjy.com/uploads/ueditor/20231201/6569bb8c77cc6.png" alt="Limai World University Fair " 2023-2024学年第一学期力迈学校世界大学校园展(图22)"="" data-cke-saved-src="http://www.lmzmjy.com/uploads/ueditor/20231201/6569bb8c77cc6.png" src="http://www.lmzmjy.com/uploads/ueditor/20231201/6569bb8c77cc6.png" style="display: block; margin: auto; max-width: 600px;">

Limai Student Service Center provides one-on-one college guidance and planning services for middle school students, as well as assistance with international academic event registration and participation. We regularly lead students in participating in social welfare activities and invite college admission officers every semester to communicate face-to-face with students. We also offer overseas university application services for high school students, starting from 9th grade, and help them establish their goals for further education. Our weekly college guidance courses focus on introductions to admission requirements, academic programs, university life, and employment development. Through personalized one-on-one interviews, we create individualized profiles for students, covering academic and career planning, highlighting their strengths and unique traits, all the way to all students received admission offers successfully.



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