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2023-05-29 10:16:45 来源:看点时报

Serve Agrochemical Industry and Push the Industry Development | Milkyway shows again in CAC2023


On May 23rd, CAC2023 opened grandly in Shanghai. This is the third international chemical industry exhibition that Milkyway has participated in since the beginning of the year, following the CHINA PLAS International Rubber and Plastic Exhibition and CIBF Shenzhen International Battery Fair. Milkyway empowers customers in various industries with efficient, professional, and safe one-stop solutions, and is committed to becoming an industry expert in the chemical supply chain.


During the exhibition, the company's resource layout and operational strength in the entire supply chain in recent years were comprehensively displayed on booth 5.2L56 in  Milkyway, attracting customers from all over the world to have a look and consult. The on-site sales elites conducted in-depth discussions with visiting industry partners, carefully introducing the company's logistics solutions and classic cases in the agrochemical field, further promoting exchange and cooperation, and contributing to the green, safe, and sustainable development of agrochemical and plant protection industry!


Milkyway has been deeply involved in the industry for 25 years. It not only has a sound service network and diversified logistics methods, but also has self-built and managed professional dangerous chemical warehouse of over 500000 square meters across the country. There are nine types of warehouses to choose from, which can comprehensively meet different needs of customers.


At present, CAC2023 is in full swing, and Milkyway welcomes friends from all over the world to come and negotiate at booth 56 of Hall 5.2. We look forward to working together with you to create a better future in agrochemical field!


To get more exhibition and business details, please add our official customer service - Milkyway Xiao mishu to gain 1V1 real-time communication, and service!

关于我们 About us


Since establishment in 1998, Milkyway Chemical Supply Chain Service Co., Ltd. has always been focused on safer and more efficient operation of chemical supply chain. With strong strength, professional team, scientific system and sound network, we provide customers with global one-stop logistics and trading full supply chain services, including international logistics one-stop service, domestic logistics one-stop service, special logistics one-stop service, chemical trading platform, chemical supply chain management and social security services. We care about the health of our employees, pay attention to corporate social responsibility and sustainable development, strive for perfection, and strive to become a super chemical Amazon.



文章投诉热线:156 0057 2229  投诉邮箱:29132 36@qq.com


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