逆风而行 撑开双手
双臂之间 就是时间的沙漏
深吸一口 那劲吹的海风
仿佛把骇浪 全吞入咽喉
一个人 在海面行走
摇摆成 千军万马的节奏
涛声雷滚 眼前尽是排浪
仰目向天 众星酣睡垂首
踏浪而行 触入天海的合欢刹那
御风长歌 轻抚老神的亘古额头
渺小为 万物归元 穹间微叹
强大到 沧海一沙 从无到有
Sea Walk
Braving the wind, extending both hands
Between my arms is the sand glass
And inhaling the sea gusts
I seem to have gulped all the waves
I walk alone on the sea
Swaying to the tune of marching troops
Thunderous waves are roaring in front of me
The stars with droopy heads are slumbering in groups
Treading the waves into the happy instant
Of merging the sea and the sky
Riding the wind, singing loud, caressing
The primordial forehead of the deity
All can be as small as returning to their origin
Tiny in the vast space as a sigh
All can be as great as a grain of sand
In the boundless ocean, from nonbeing to being.
June 12, 2019
七 月
忽然惊觉 没有和春天告别
竟然 已是七月
原本 只期待一抹新绿
抬头间 浓翠目不暇接
擦肩错过了 期待已久的季节
穿胸而过的幻影 时现时灭
拙手缝制 粗针大线的寒衣
对将至的冷冬 孩子们浑然不觉
竟然 已是七月
其实 只是七月
With a start, I realize I owe a farewell to the spring
Already, unexpectedly, it is July
I had expected a first stroke of green
As I lift my head, lush greens in front of my eyes appear
Narrowly have I missed the long-awaited spring
The phantoms, passing abreast of me, are flickering
My clumsy hands sew warm clothes with rough stitches
Of the impending cold winter, children have not noted a thing
I deemed it a mere beginning
Already has come the month of July
I deemed it an imminent ending
Actually in sight is the month of July.
July 5, 2019
风 从高空飞过
鱼 在深海游过
突然 记起
曾在这个额头 抚过
几十年后的 这个时刻
白天和黑夜 流走了 上万个
而立 又不惑
雨 在街角淌过
泪 在眼角流过
穿越到了 北京街头
把曾经的童心 再次抚摸
拂去轻尘 重新包裹
A Flash of Memory on the Street
My Primary School Teacher Touched Me on the Forehead
Wind blows over the high sky
Fish swims across the deep sea
That afternoon when sunlight warmed the eye
All of a sudden, my mind’s eye did see
A hand where tenderness and warmth lie
That had caressed this very forehead of me
At this very moment several decades later
Days and nights by the thousand flowing away
My heart is woken up by a memory
Established in life, by no doubts led astray
Amid the busy traffic, I am standing, a spectator
My cheeks were bathed in tears, my laughers were gay
The rain was flowing by the corner of the street
My tears were flowing through the corner of my eyes
That hand radiating with warmth and heat
Traveled through time to the Beijing streets with surprise
To feel, once more, my one-time childlike heart beat
Flicking away dust and wrapping it in a new disguise.
January 26, 2021
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