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2023-08-21 16:07:18 来源:实况网


(图左:阿拉食品原料集团商务总监 Luis Cubel

图右:布伦泰格特种化学品部门首席运营官Michael Friede)



经过超过 15 年的合作,两家公司在中国市场的份额显着增加。立即生效的新协议,将涵盖阿拉食品原料集团的所有业务部门,重点为三个关键领域提供解决方案



布伦泰格特种化学品部门首席运营官Michael Friede表示:“这项协议建立在坚实的合作关系之上,阿拉食品的专业知识、能力和对市场需求的理解将帮助完善中国市场;中国市场仍有很大的增长潜力,特别是在运动营养等关键领域。我们期待通过机遇、努力、合作,在极具吸引力特种市场中实现未来的增长。”

阿拉食品原料集团商务总监 Luis Cubel 表示:“中国的人口结构变化增加了对高质量产品的需求,特别是在婴幼营养和功能营养领域。通过15年磨合,两家公司达成了高效的战略伙伴关系。有了中柏提供丰富的专业知识,新协议将保证我们提高向中国市场提供的服务、保证我们继续投资于世界上最重要的营养市场之一;我们对此次的进一步合作充满希望并感到格外兴奋。”


阿拉食品原料集团是改善优质营养的全球领先者,与我们的客户、科研伙伴、供应商、非政府组织和其他机构一起,发现并提供有可溯源的原料和产品。这些原料和产品可以促进终身营养,造福世界各地的消费者。我们为生命早期营养、医疗营养、运动营养、保健食品以及其他食品和饮料领域的全球领先品牌提供服务。阿拉食品原料集团总部位于丹麦,是阿拉食品集团100% 控股的子公司。 www.arlafoodsingredients.com


布伦泰格是化学品和复配分销领域的全球市场领先者。公司在连接化工行业的客户和供应商方面发挥着核心作用。布伦泰格总部位于德国埃森,在全球拥有超过17,500名员工,并在72个国家/地区运营着约600个中心组成的商业网络。布伦泰格2022年的销售额约为194亿欧元。布伦泰格在基础化学品和特种化学品两大门类中为客户提供全套方案,服务内容广泛而全面:定制的应用、营销和供应链解决方案、技术和配方支持、全面的监管专业知识以及为各行各业提供数字化解决方案。在可持续发展领域,布伦泰格追求特定目标,并致力于在其自身领域和所服务的行业提供可持续解决方案。布伦泰格股票自2010 年起在法兰克福证券交易所(德国最大的股票交易所)上市,自2021年9月起在德国股票综合指数(DAX)中占据一席。此外,德国股票新标准指数中也有布伦泰格(Brenntag SE)的位置:“德股新指50(DAX 50 ESG)”和“德股目标新指(DAX ESG Target)”。请访问 www.brenntag.com了解更多信息。

Brenntag Group company Zhongbai Xingye and Arla Foods Ingredients join hands to advance Chinese nutrition business

New distribution agreement covers the full range of Arla Foods Ingredients’ premium product portfolio and is effective immediatelyEnhanced collaboration of two market leaders to even better serve Chinese food and nutrition markets with a focus on infant and performance nutrition as well as food and beverage

Brenntag, the global market leader in chemicals and ingredients distribution, via its Group company Zhongbai Xingye Food Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd (“Zhongbai”), and Arla Foods Ingredients have signed a new distribution agreement to serve the Chinese food and nutrition markets on August 21, 2023

Being part of the Brenntag Group since 2021, Zhongbai has a strong and long-standing working relationship with Arla Foods Ingredients, which offers a broad range of premium food and nutrition ingredient solutions in China and globally.

In a collaboration spanning more than 15 years, the two companies have significantly grown their share of the Chinese market. The new agreement, which is effective immediately, will cover the full range of Arla Foods Ingredients’ business units, focusing on solutions for three key segments:

Infant Nutrition: With Chinese parents increasingly demanding premium products, the partnership will focus on helping manufacturers improve the nutritional profile of formula and other products for infants and toddlers.Performance Nutrition: There is high potential for further growth in China’s performance nutrition market, which includes sports nutrition, nutrition for seniors, and dietary supplements.Food and beverage: The two companies see strong growth potential in segments such as bakery and beverages.

The in-depth collaboration between the two companies includes a jointly funded Innovation & Application Center in Zhongbai’s Beijing facility, where China-specific formulations are developed. As part of the new agreement, it will be expanded with additional application-specific capabilities, increasing the potential for products tailored to local market needs.

Michael Friede, CEO of Brenntag Specialties, said: “This is an agreement that builds on some very solid foundations. We have a great working relationship with Arla Foods Ingredients, whose expertise, capacity and understanding of market needs has helped both companies grow in China. There’s still potential for major expansion, particularly in key segments like performance nutrition. We’re looking forward to working together to take the opportunities that lie ahead as two market leaders are joining hands for future growth in a highly attractive Specialties market.”

Luis Cubel, Commercial Director of Arla Foods Ingredients, said: “Demographic changes in China have increased the demand for high-quality products, particularly in the infant nutrition and performance nutrition spaces. This agreement will help us adapt and make our offering to Chinese markets even stronger. Zhongbai offers a wealth of expertise and local knowledge and over the past 15 years it’s been an incredibly productive partnership for both companies. We’re hugely excited about this new opportunity to co-operate even further, and to continue to invest in one of the world’s most important nutrition markets.”

About Arla Foods Ingredients:

Arla Foods Ingredients is a global leader in improving premium nutrition. Together with our customers, research partners, suppliers, NGOs and others, we discover and deliver documented ingredients and products that can advance lifelong nutrition for the benefit of consumers around the world. We serve leading global brands in early life nutrition, medical nutrition, sports nutrition, health foods, and other foods and beverages.

Headquartered in Denmark, Arla Foods Ingredients is a 100% owned subsidiary of Arla Foods. www.arlafoodsingredients.com

About Brenntag:

Brenntag is the global market leader in chemicals and ingredients distribution. The company holds a central role in connecting customers and suppliers of the chemical industry. Headquartered in Essen, Germany, Brenntag has more than 17,500 employees worldwide and operates a network of about 600 sites in 72 countries. In 2022, Brenntag generated sales of around 19.4 billion EUR. The two global divisions, Brenntag Essentials and Brenntag Specialties, provide a full-line portfolio of industrial and specialty chemicals and ingredients as well as tailor-made application, marketing and supply chain solutions, technical and formulation support, comprehensive regulatory know-how, and digital solutions for a wide range of industries. In the field of sustainability, Brenntag pursues specific goals and is committed to sustainable solutions in its own sector and the industries served. Brenntag shares have been listed at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since 2010, in the DAX since September 2021. In addition, the Brenntag SE shares are listed in the DAX 50 ESG and DAX ESG Target. For more information, visit www.brenntag.com.



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