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2022-11-07 10:50:48 来源:财讯网

Dreamers - 2022 American International Youth and Children's Art Exhibition

On October 30th, 2022, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm on Pacific Time in California, USA, co-hosted by US Arts, USA and Shanghai Gallery YOO, China, "Dreamers - 2022 International Youth and Children's Art Exhibition" celebrated the exhibition opening at US Arts Education Center in San Diego, California. Both Lulu Yueming McNaught from California, USA and Flavia from Shanghai, China curated the exhibition. The exhibition was opened during the Halloween weekend, and the works on display were mainly selected from the students from the St. Didacus School, the community students from San Diego County and the students from Shanghai. These students are teenagers and children aged from 3 to 15 years old. The exhibition opened with a Halloween party. During the ceremony party, the American students voted for their favorite artworks. They also joined some art activities, such as making Halloween art masks and stickers. The host prepared Halloween gifts for the raffle winners. Children with different skin colors are confident, equal and friendly in front of art. American parents actively took their children to participate in this Dreamers-themed friendship exhibition between American and Chinese children. The exhibition lasts for 15 days. During the exhibition, Lulu Yueming McNaught, the executive curator of the exhibition, teachers from US Arts, and artists from California will conduct awards for this exhibition.

2022年10月30号美国加州太洋时间上午10点-12点,由美国US Arts 与中国上海Gallery YOO 共同主办,美国加州 ·US Arts Education Center承办的《Dreamers - 2022 International Youth and Children's Art Exhibition》在美国加州西海岸圣地亚哥市举办。展览策展人是由美国加州的Lulu Yueming McNaught和中国上海的Flavia联合策展。展览是在西方传统的万圣节前夜进行开幕交流,展出作品主要来筛选自美国本地的St. Didacus学校的学生、US Arts Education Cente的学生以及中国上海的学生。这些学生都是3-15岁的青少年儿童。展览开幕是以万圣节艺术party进行的,现场有美国小朋友投票给自己最喜欢的作品,他们还有现场的艺术活动,制作万圣节艺术面具和贴纸等。US Arts还举办了现场抽奖仪式,把万圣节礼物颁发给获奖的小朋友。不同肤色在艺术面前都是自信、等友爱。美国家长积极带着自己的孩子参与这次Dreamers主题的美国与中国小朋友的友谊展览。展览持续15天,展览期间也会由美国加州这次展览的美国执行策展人 Lulu Yueming McNaught 和US Arts 的老师以及美国加州的艺术家们进行本次展览奖项评比。

List of small artists participating in the exhibition:


Jacob Zuckerman/ Isabella Fine/ Charlie Melendez/ Cruz Gyamfi/ Kieran Maloney / Bridgette Boeh / Paul Palomare/ Tyson Boeh/ Monica Huynh/ Sophia Rodriquez/ Mia Person / Victoria Palomares /  Grace Saling /  Monica Huynh /Elena Demirtas / Elliot An /  Harry Douglas Tian WATT/ Vito Zhang/ Chen Xuanhan/  Cao Chengming/ Veronica Gerardina Lee/ Charlotte Nicolaas Lee/ Lu Mai Duo / Cao Qichen/ Wang Shihan/ Wang Shuyi / Ling Yuanyuan/ Zhang Zihui / Charlotte Gao Peng/ Vanessa ShuXue/ Katelyn Li / Abigail Chen/ Wang Tianyi / Queenie Tong/ Harper Xu /Lyonel Chapatte /  Lenardo Wu/ Harvey Xu/ Vicky Zhang/ Rebecca / KIKI / MAX/ Wen Hefan/ Wang Gengyan/ Xiang Yue/ Shen Yixin/ Chen Jiale/ Gong Zibo / Gabriel Chen/ Louisa Fu/ Ethan Liao

The exhibition opened at the US Arts Education Center, hosted by curator and artist Lulu Yueming McNaught in San Diego, California, USA. Give out popular gifts and vote for your favorite artwork live.

展览开幕在US Arts Education Center 进行,开幕仪式由美国加州圣地亚哥的策展人、艺术家Lulu Yueming McNaught主持。现场颁发万圣节礼物和投票最喜欢的艺术作品。

During the opening ceremony, the curator led the little artists and their parents to make Halloween masks and stickers at the party.


The exhibition runs from October 30th to November 15th, 2022. During the exhibition, the American juries will select the various awards for the exhibition. We are looking forward to the little artists in the US and China to shine in the future.




文章投诉热线:156 0057 2229  投诉邮箱:29132 36@qq.com

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