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2024-06-26 17:26:41 来源:中国产业新闻网




  《Murphy Interviews》:Hello global audiences, I’m the state leaders interview column 《Murphy Interviews》founder. Right now I’m at Cunningham Park of New York to attend Knight Michael LIANG’s Annual Summer BBQ Gala. Should you please introduce yourself to global audiences?


  Knight Michael LIANG:Hello global audiences, I’m Michael LIANG. I’m the President of Prosperous Community Foundation(PCF) & America Retired Veteran Foundation.


  《Murphy Interviews》:Michael LIANG, your outdoor BBQ Gala achived great success which do peovide all distingushed guests a relaxing & cozy environment for strenthen friendship & enhancing cooperation. Should you please share with us about this?


  Knight Michael LIANG:Today’s outdoor BBQ Gala really achived great success with America senior officers, Sino-US bilabial entrepreneurs, UN superior officers, media representatives, volunteers gathering togather. My Prosperous Community Foundation(PCF) & America Retired Veteran Foundation focusing on safeguarding community safty & ensuring safe living environment for everyone in New York. Meanwhile, my team will unite all chinese-americans in US to try our utmost to creat an even more peaceful world


  《Murphy Interviews》:Our global audiences should extend our heartfelt thanks to high prestige knight Michael Liang for his long term efforts for community safety. You’re already over 80, while you’re in high spirit to unswervingly contribute to community safety. Will you organize other activities recently?


  Knight Michael LIANG:I'll organize UN WORLD Culture Economic Trade Forum in UN Headquater this October with some state leaders attend, including but not limits to Africa, Central America, Southeast Asia countries like Malaysia, Thailand etc. Sincerly welcome entrepreneurs in each field attend.


  《Murphy Interviews》:Thanks for Knight Michael Liang’s splendid sharing for today’s outdoor BBQ Gala & the forenotice for UN WORLD Culture Economic Trade Forum in October 2024. As a senior wise superior officer, kight Michael Liang has many unknown legendary stories & lifelong honors. Sincerely wish global audiences continue to watch 《Murphy Interviews》to uncover more stories about great Knight Michael LIANG. Thanks!


  Knight Michael LIANG:Thanks so much!


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