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2023-05-08 14:35:26 来源:今报在线

Outstanding and Sustainable Development - Milkyway Was Awarded as “Dow Logistics S4TAR”

近日,密尔克卫董事长陈银河受邀参加2023陶氏物流之星卓越实践分享会,陶氏化学大中华区总裁朱成怡、陶氏化学全球物流总监Shenna Bennett、亚太区物流及客户服务总监黄佳敏等出席会议。

The chairman of Milkyway - Andy CHEN was invited to the 2023 Dow S4TAR Leading Practice Symposium recently. The president of Dow Greater China - CherryZHU, the global logistics director of Dow-Shenna Bennett, and the Asian-Pacific region’s logistics and customer service director – Jessica HUANG also attended the meeting.


Milkyway was awarded as the “Dow Logistics S4TAR of the Year - Best Freight Forwarding and Customs Declaration Supplier” at the meeting, which is an important achievement of Milkyway’s long-term commitment to provide the highest quality services while continuing to meet customer needs. As the representative of outstanding suppliers, Chairman Andy CHEN shared the solution for Milkyway supply chain’ sustainable development, which DOW highly recognized.


Milkyway has always been building excellent management and operation capacity with dedication and commitment over the past years, while maintaining remarkable performance in high efficiency, reliability and timeliness. We not only provide excellent chemical supply chain services, but are also actively engaged in carbon reduction policies, using advanced technologies and solutions to ensure the healthy and sustainable development of full supply chain service. Milkyway cherishes the recognition of customers and always pursues pragmatism and innovation. We will continue to carry out ideals and iterate and move forward despite all the difficulties.



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